Backporting N3 to 1990

(X)emacs is an evil evil disease. Despite a great selection of other text-editors, I can never work as comfortably or quickly as with xemacs, and the xemacs keybindings are so deeply embedded in my soul that I've come to realise that I will never forget them, nor can I override them by learning something new. Therefore I bit into the sour apple that is emacs-lisp and made n3-mode for xemacs!

It's crappy, and does syntax highlighting and comment support only. It didn't take as long as I thought since I recycled the regexps from my previous three efforts:

If you want to take part in the glorious double-fun that is xemacs N3 editing:

  • Download n3mode.el into ~/.xemacs/
  • Add the following lines to ~/.xemacs:

(load "~/.xemacs/n3mode.el")
(setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.n3$" . n3-mode) auto-mode-alist))
(add-hook 'n3-mode-hook 'turn-on-font-lock)

  • Open an N3 file and enjoy!

Now maybe I can finally get around to editting those N3 files, and stop wasting my time.

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