Gnowis + Python = sweet bliss

Today is finished implementing the xmlrpc interface to Gnowsis 0.9 that we are doing for the Semouse people.
As an added bonus I can get away from evil Java for a bit and interface with Gnowsis in python!

Gnowsis exports a range of XML-RPC methods, the ones I made today make up an interface to the different stores of gnowsis-server. Some javadoc will appear soon, but there are methods like addTriple, removeTriple, querySelect, queryConstruct.

Now with this in place I can write the python code:

#!/usr/bin/env python

from xmlrpclib import ServerProxy


#print server.listMethods()
print getattr(server,"gnowsis-server_dataaccess.querySelect")("gunnar","fulltext")

And it works! As soon as I can convince Leo we will rewrite the whole gnowsis GUI in python! :)

Should anyone feel like trying this the code in svn…

With the latest wiki stuff working Gnowsis is really starting to free itself from the chains of ugly Swing GUI hell.

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